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24-07 Roadway Rehab-Full Depth IFB

Bid Number:




Opening Date/Time:

June 20, 2023 12:00 AM

Closing Date/Time:

July 10, 2023 01:00 PM


Allison Jenkins

[email protected]

Awarded To:

J. Marchese & Sons, Inc.

Awarded Amount:


Date Awarded:

August 16, 2023


In general, this contract consists of: full depth roadway reclamation; hot mix asphalt paving; removal and resetting of existing granite curbing; installation of new granite curbing; construction of new cement concrete sidewalks, and ADA/AAB compliant pedestrian ramps; installation of miscellaneous subsurface structures and associated piping; installation of new rims/grates and frames; removal and resetting of existing rims/grates and frames; tree planting pits; traffic signage; and related work at various locations within the City of Everett. Work to be done under this contract shall be completed within the 2023 construction season.

Work to be done under this contract shall be completed concurrently, and in coordination with, existing and ongoing City roadway and infrastructure improvement contracts. Any bidder currently engaged in a contract with the City of Everett shall not neglect work in one contract in favor of another. The successful Bidder shall be fully able to staff both this contract and any ongoing contracts with the City of Everett with the appropriate amount of superintendence and working staff needed to complete all work expeditiously and within the stipulated contract periods. Contract extensions of time beyond December 31, 2023 shall be granted at the sole discretion of the City of Everett.


Title Download

24-07 Roadway Rehab-Full Depth IFB


24-07 Addendum 1


24-07 Prevailing Wage Rates


24-07 2023 Roadway Project Bid Results


24-07 Addendum 2


24-07 2023 Roadway Project Plan Holders


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