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24-01 Lead Services Replacement Project

Bid Number:






Opening Date/Time:

June 14, 2023 12:00 AM

Closing Date/Time:

June 29, 2023 01:47 AM


Allison Jenkins

[email protected]


The Work of this Contract generally consists of the replacement of suspected lead water service connections in the City of Everett, Massachusetts, generally on Central Avenue, Vernal Street, Edith Street, Ashton Street, Woodward Street, Shute Street, Wilbur Street, Glendale Avenue, Clifton Avenue, Bettison Avenue, Moreland Place, Amos Terrace, Lewis Street, and Appleton Street. Approximately 41 services will require full replacement from the water main to the house, approximately 111 services will be replaced from the water main to the curb stop, and approximately 38 services will be replaced from the curb stop to the house. Approximately 83 of these services have a section of unknown materials in addition to lead. Up to three test pits will be required for each service with unknown material and the service will be replaced at the discretion of the City and the Engineer. The Work also includes approximately 25 additional services at the discretion of the City and Engineer. Service connections shall be replaced with 3/4-inch, 1-inch, and 2-inch copper tubing as required in the field. All locations shall be restored to equal or better than prior condition including pavement, sidewalk and curbing restoration, and loam and seed.

MassDOT prequalification of contractors with the class of work as, Sewer & Water, for the project with an estimated value of $1,315,000 will be required. Prospective bidders are not expected to submit a R109 form. Contractors may obtain informational copies of the bid documents, but will not be considered an eligible bidder without having obtained MassDOT prequalification prior to the date and time of the bid opening. The Contract will only be awarded to a MassDOT prequalified contractor.


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24-01 Lead Pipes Bid Results


24-01 Lead Services Replacement Project


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