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Property Owners

  • January 1: The “Assessment date” of all real and personal property for the following fiscal year. The ownership, use, and physical characteristics of all property are “frozen” as of this date for determining the assessment for the following fiscal year.
  • February 1: This is the final day for filing abatement applications  with the Assessing Department. The application must be on file in the Assessor’s Department or, if mailed, have a United States postmark of no later than February 1. This is the due date for the 3rd quarter tax.
  • March 1: This is the final day for filing Forms of Lists by businesses. Late March Is the final time for filing applications for statutory exemption, due within 3 months of the mailing of the 3rd notice of payment.
  • May 1: This is the 4th quarter due date for payment of tax. July 1 Fiscal year begins. This is the qualification date for all statutory exemptions except Residential Exemptions, which has a January 1 assessment date. Notice of the 1st tax payment for the new fiscal year is issued and the bill is due August 1.
  • October 1: The notice of the 2nd tax payment for the fiscal year is issued, and is due November 1.
  • Early November: The city receives approvals from the Department of Revenue on values, new growth, etc. The Assessors present proposed tax rate to the City Council.
  • Early December: The City Council votes on and approves the classification shift with the resulting tax rate.
  • Late December: The notice of the 3rd tax payment, known as the Actual Bill, is issued. Mailing of the tax bill starts the period for filing abatement and exemption applications. Abatement applications must be filed with the Assessing Department no later than February 1 or have a United States postmark of no later than that date. Exemption applications must be filed within 3 months from the date of mailing the actual bills.


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