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CLEANAIR in Everett

What to know about MyRWA’s CleanAIR project!

Learn about a 3-year experiment about air quality being conducted in Everett by
MyRWA and funded by the EPA!

Everett’s Involvement in the CLEANAIR project!

Look up! On top of Everett City Hall is an air quality monitor that is continually tracking the local air quality in the heart of Everett. The monitor is informing the Mystic River Watershed Association (MyRWA) and Tufts University about the transportation-related air quality in Everett. By using survey results, and feedback from the community and residents, long-term monitors will be placed in different places in the city to collect even more valuable data.

cleanair air monitor closed up
cleanair air monitor opened up for display

Pictured on the left is the air monitor located on top of City Hall! It is constantly tracking the air quality of Everett! Pictured on the right is the technology inside of the monitor that tracks air quality and pollutants!

Air Quality in Everett:

To check the current air quality in Everett currently, press here!

Air quality is dependent on many different factors. It can be impacted by pollution from cars, buildings, and other non-point sources. Poor air quality and particulate matter in the air can cause many issues like asthma and other respiratory illnesses. These issues are very prevalent in Everett due to the poor air quality residents are met with every day.

Nevada Department of Conservation and Natural Resources

City of Everett city signEverett has very high traffic density and although many residents are dependent on public transportation, walking, or other modes of active transportation, plenty of residents also use their cars for their commute to work or other obligations. This increased traffic produces pollution called TRAP, or Transportation-Related Air Pollution. This pollution is localized and creates both local environmental issues and health issues. By partnering up with MyRWA, Everett is ready to investigate air quality in the city to inform communities, and to aid in decisions to improve the air quality in Everett.

Overview of the project:

MyRWA was funded by the EPA to conduct a 3 year air quality study in Everett, Malden, Charlestown, and East Boston. This project includes partnerships with MyRWA, and Tufts University to monitor and measure the quality of the air in different locations in the cities. In these communities, residents suffer from high rates of asthma, and illnesses associated with poor air pollution related to transportation.

In this 3-year project, long-term monitoring stations will be placed in locations chosen by Everett residents aware of locations that TRAP impacts. These findings introduce data to inform communities, and decision-making related to transportation and its impact on the local environment.

Want to get involved? Take the Survey!

Take this quick survey to share your opinions and thoughts! Your voices matter!

MyRWA Survey in English
MyRWA Survey in Spanish
MyRWA Survey in Portuguese
MyRWA Survey in Haitian Creole

Flyers with more information about the survey are below! Share with your neighbors and community members!

For more updates, and information about the overall project, visit the MyRWA website.

A Sustainable Everett!

solar panels on a city building roof

Solar Panels and a white roof on Everett’s City Hall!

Everett is on its way to becoming a sustainable city! With new initiatives on the horizon, Everett is paving its way into sustainability by monitoring air quality, prioritizing energy efficiency, and understanding the importance of green spaces, and the urban tree canopy! Learn more about these initiatives, and how you could get involved under Conservation Commission.

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