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Everett has been an Urban Tree City for 15 years; here is what’s happening with the trees in Everett!

Everett Tree Inventory

Everett is home to over 7,000 public trees lining the streets and in parks. Explore Everett’s tree inventory below to see the different types of trees, their conditions, locations, and more!

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The City of Everett is working to increase our urban tree canopy by piloting an Urban Forestry Plan. We look forward to working with residents to plan and implement future plantings. We have created a map layer to display our proposed locations for new trees in Everett.

Go to the link below to see our priority areas and request new tree plantings or maintenance on existing trees here:

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Strengthening our tree canopy addresses many issues in our environmental justice community simultaneously:

  • Helping mitigate high temperatures by providing much-needed shade and relief from the sun.
  • Offer cooling for homeowners, businesses, and residents, helping lower utility costs.
  • Provides biodiversity, creating a healthy tree canopy to prevent insect infestation and disease from wiping out an entire neighborhood’s trees.
  • Creates job opportunities through training programs, local recruiting, and sustainability through necessary ongoing tree maintenance.
  • Helps to mitigate air pollution and extreme weather conditions, including wind and increased run-off.

DPW, Planning, and the Engineer departments are collaborating to update their tree inventory and planting efforts. They will work with residents to ensure that their questions and feedback are answered and will help shape Everett’s Urban Forestry Master Plan, established to create a more climate-resilient future. These efforts create a healthier and happier community and environment.

According to Everett’s 2023 Heat Survey…

93% of the individuals surveyed noticed increased heat in the Everett area during the summer.

66% of residents feel that high heat in the community is significant, while the remainder believe the issue is only moderately important.

See Everett’s 2023 Heat Survey Feedback conducted by MyRWA:

MyRWA Survey Results.

It is no surprise that Everett residents are aware of the urban heat island effect in their city.

What is the Urban Heat Island effect?

The Urban Heat Island Effect is the increased and excess heat that is experienced by urban cities. It is caused by many factors, but one of the significant contributions is land cover. Dark-colored materials like asphalt in our driveways, sidewalks, and streets absorb the sun’s light and convert it into heat. This absorbed heat is then released as the sun sets, creating higher temperatures in the area. These higher temperatures pose many different health hazards to the Everett community.

Common health concerns due to increased heat and poor air quality:

  • Heat strokes
  • Heat cramps
  • Sunburns
  • Dehydration
  • Overall respiratory health
  • Affects individuals with underlying or pre-existing respiratory illnesses

Where is Everett the hottest?

The Urban Heat Island Effect occurs all over Everett, especially in areas with high pavement and industrial areas. Over 90% of Everett’s land is paved, contributing to a lack of green space and natural landscaping. As indicated on the maps above, the tree canopy coverage is also low in the high-heat areas, demonstrating the connection between tree coverage and the heat.

Hot Mystic Data Explorer

What would tree cover do to the heat island effect?

Planting Trees throughout Everett neighborhoods would increase tree canopy and decrease the high temperatures caused by the urban heat island effect. The increased tree cover shades the dark pavement, decreasing the amount of light energy absorbed by the pavement. The more shade that is provided by the trees, the less heat will be absorbed and, in turn, released into the surrounding area.

Planting trees is not only beneficial to the urban heat island effect but also plays a role in the overall effort to aid the climate crisis. Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air, provide oxygen, prevent flooding, and beautify the city. Adding trees to the Everett neighborhoods would benefit the city and ultimately aid in the fight against climate change. Please see more benefits on the chart below.

“There's barely any trees on wider roads like Broadway and Rt 16, which make those places very inhospitable when the summer is at its peak”

Anonymous Survey response conducted by MyRWA (2023)

“We need more trees everywhere.”

Anonymous Survey response conducted by MyRWA (2023)

Greening the Gateway Cities:

To bring more native trees to the city, Everett partnered with Greening the Gateway Cities to plant FREE trees in Everett.

In the spring of 2023, the City of Everett partnered with the Greening the Gateway Cities Program (GGCP). The GGCP is a program from the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), initiated to increase tree cover by planting trees in urban residential areas and environmental justice neighborhoods. Trees ranging from 6ft to 10ft tall are planted for free with the overall goal to decrease the Urban Heat Island Effect and increase the new tree canopy cover by 5%.

Planting trees is a direct way to combat the urban heat island effect and provide shade to our community. GGCP planted over 200 trees in the City of Everett. The City of Everett thanks Ian Briggs and his urban forestry crew for their fantastic work.

GGCP is hiring! You can make a difference in your community by joining the Greening the Gateway Cities planting team.  Increasing the urban canopy will help save energy, protect air and water quality, and improve overall community health. Apply to join the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation’s Greening the Gateway Cities urban tree planting program! Tree planting laborer opportunities are available for the spring (April-June) and fall (September-November) planting seasons.

For more information, contact: Kelly Meiler (508) 688-0889[email protected]

Greening the Gateway Cities:

It’s easy! To see if you are in the planting zone, check out the Map HERE.  Trees are available in many neighborhoods throughout Everett. If you are uncertain if you qualify, contact 617-626-1459.

If you want to plant a tree, you can call or fill out a request HERE. After submitting a request, a DCR representative will come to your property and work with you to determine the best type of tree and location for your site. There are hundreds of different trees to choose from! While the tree, planting, and some maintenance is completely free, you only have to commit to watering the tree, especially during the first two years after going into the ground.

Why plant trees?

Tree planting in urban areas can aid the climate crisis in many ways. Besides being aesthetic additions to any street, park, or backyard, trees can cool down temperatures, clean our air, reduce home cooling costs, and relieve storm surges. Mayor Carlo DeMaria is committed to tree-planting efforts for the city’s sustainability goals and the health of the residents of Everett.

FAQ about GGCP

Go to the link to see frequently asked questions regarding this program HERE.

For any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

Everett representative: 617-626-1459

Do you have concerns about a tree in your neighborhood?

If you are concerned about a tree or if a tree needs maintenance, fill out the form below to submit a report.

Tree Maintenance / Request Form

In the climate crisis we are experiencing now, planting trees in urban cities is a great way to mitigate local climate change in our community! To learn about other projects we have planned, explore them below.

Other projects the City of Everett is working on:

For areas outside the GCCP planting zone

Rivergreen Park:

Rivergreen Park is a restoration project that borders the Malden River in Everett. The project includes clean-up, invasive species management, habitat management, restoration, and tree planting. At Rivergreen Park, invasive trees such as the Tree of Atlantis or the Tree of Heaven have been removed and replaced by other native species. Thanks to the help of our community, over 2,000 trees have been planted, with even more on the way!

For more information on Rivergreen Park, explore more HERE.

MyRWA Tree Planting:

In the regions that are not in the Greening the Gateway Cities zone for tree planting, the city, with the funding of Mystic River Watershed Association (MyRWA), will plant hundreds of trees in the city. You can view the proposed tree locations HERE.

Greening the Gateway Cities Program

The City was also given funding through the Gateways Cities Program Implementation Grant award, with funding from the Department of Recreation and Conservation and which will be used to reimburse the City of Everett up to $I00,000 for the approved project costs associated with planting trees (2-2.S”dbh) in locations outside the DCR planting zone.

Thank you to Mayor Carlo Demaria for his dedication to the projects that make Everett beautiful, sustainable, and green.

Have any questions or concerns? Contact us at: 311

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