All are invited to enjoy live music performances in a series of concerts at Wehner Park throughout the summer
The gazebo at Wehner Park where the concerts will take place.
Mayor Carlo DeMaria is pleased to announce the City of Everett will be hosting Everett’s Maria Guanci as part of the acoustic duo Biagio & Major for the final concert in a series that will take place throughout the months of July and August.
All are invited to join us for an evening of listening to cool music performed by a different artist or band on a warm summer night at Lt. Joseph Wehner Park, which is located between Lynn Street and Broadway. Refreshments will be provided at the concerts and there will be a limited number of seats available to attendees. However, those who are planning to attend are encouraged to bring their own lawn chairs or blankets to enjoy the live outdoor entertainment. Refreshments will be served.
“The concerts in the park are always a great opportunity for residents to get outside and enjoy a beautiful day with family, friends and others in our community,” said Mayor DeMaria. “We have some spectacular performances lined up that residents will be sure to enjoy.”
All of the concerts will be from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Wehner Park.