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Water and Sewer

The City of Everett’s water and sewer system provides reliable, high quality, safe and clean drinking water as well as reliable sewer services at a reasonable cost with superior customer service.

Drinking water enters the City from the MWRA’s Water distribution in 5 locations throughout the City. The City’s Water distribution system consist of approximately 70 Miles of Pipe ranging from 2 to 24” in diameter, 1800 valves, 724 fire hydrants, and over 8,200 service connections.

The City’s Wastewater collection system consist of approximately 70 miles of pipe ranging from 6 to to 36”. All of the City’s Wastewater travels via gravity through city pipes and then enters the MWRA’s Waste water Collection System

Water and Sewer Bills

All water and sewer bill payments are collected by the Collector’s Office. The city gives you 30 days to pay a bill; interest will accrue at 14% annually if not paid in full by the due date. After 90 days the bill then goes into lien.

Pay you water and sewer bill

Trash, Yard & Waste Collection

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