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How do I submit a bulletin board announcement to be shown on ECTV?

  • Anyone wishing to communicate with cable subscribers for non-commercial purposes may submit a brief message and graphic to be shown on the public access channel’s electronic bulletin board.
  • Users may submit their messages two weeks in advance.
  • A phone number for further information and the name of the sponsoring organization or individual must accompany all messages.
  • Everett announcements take precedence over those from out of town.
  • ECTV shows messages announcing events until the day after the event.
  • Messages announcing ongoing services or activities show for six months, in the one-month-on and one-month-off format, from the time the message is submitted unless ECTV receives alternate instructions.
  • Please fill out a PSA/ Bulletin Board Request Form, or you can fax a copy of the form to: 617-389-2006.
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