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Frequently Asked Questions




ECTV/Communications Office
484 Broadway
Room 34 (Studio is on the Lower Level)
Everett, MA 02149

Monday & Thursday, 8am to 7:30pm
Tuesday & Wednesday, 8am to 5pm

Frequently Asked Questions

ECTV does offer video production workshops. If you can’t make the particular dates given online, then ECTV is willing to arrange a schedule if you have a group of two-three people interested in taking our video production courses. Class schedules will be listed on the community bulletin board,, City website, ECTV Facebook page, as well as the local city newspapers. Individuals and Organizations wishing to take classes must arrange for them on a first-come, first-served basis. Individuals and Organizations must also be Everett residents or employees. Class sizes may be limited at the discretion of ECTV. Each course may have a prescribed fee to cover costs of materials, and a non-refundable deposit.

In order to be a member at ECTV, simply join one of our workshops offered. Schedules of each class will be posted online, our Facebook page, local city newspapers and our looping bulletin boards. For more information about membership or about workshops, please contact our office at 617-394-2418.

  • Access Users may reserve portable equipment no more than four weeks in advance and no later than three business days in advance.
  • Portable equipment may be taken out for up to forty-eight hours at a time and for up to six non-consecutive periods, not to exceed six days, per finished program.
  • The person who reserves equipment must pick it up and return it, unless ECTV staff approves alternate arrangements in advanced.
  • When signing out equipment, an ECTV staff member fills out and initials an Equipment Check-Out Form. Before taking the equipment, the borrower must verify that Equipment Check Out Form lists all the items they are taking and contains everything the shoot will require. Access Users are encouraged to set up and test equipment before leaving the building. Access Users must sign the Equipment Check-Out Form before leaving ECTV premises.
  • Access Users must return equipment at the time written on the Equipment Check-Out Form. Access users cannot borrow additional equipment until they have returned all items in good working order or have paid ECTV an assessment that ECTV may levy against borrowers equipment damages.
  • All Access Users and Producers are responsible for the equipment that is listed on the Equipment Check-Out Form. ECTV will ensure that all equipment is in working order. A Producer or Access User is responsible for all damage to, or theft of equipment, excluding normal wear and tear. The Producer must notify ECTV immediately upon any occurrence of damage, malfunction, or theft.
  • Anyone wishing to communicate with cable subscribers for non-commercial purposes may submit a brief message and graphic to be shown on the public access channel’s electronic bulletin board.
  • Users may submit their messages two weeks in advance.
  • A phone number for further information and the name of the sponsoring organization or individual must accompany all messages.
  • Everett announcements take precedence over those from out of town.
  • ECTV shows messages announcing events until the day after the event.
  • Messages announcing ongoing services or activities show for six months, in the one-month-on and one-month-off format, from the time the message is submitted unless ECTV receives alternate instructions.
  • Please fill out a PSA/ Bulletin Board Request Form, or you can fax a copy of the form to: 617-389-2006.

Anyone who lives or works in Everett may request channel time, free of charge, to broadcast a program. If you do not live or work in Everett, we recommend a producer to have a sponsor from Everett, so that your show can be aired. That being said, Producers and Access Users requesting airtime for a program must complete a Video Submission Form. There are no restrictions on submitted stand-alone shows; ECTV will attempt to accommodate all programs as long as the program does not interfere with the normal program schedule and the normal operation of the facility. Series programs are limited to 60 minutes in length.

The process for submitting shows are as follows:

  • Individual programs submitted for broadcast must be accompanied by a Video Submission Form.
  • Anyone request a regular broadcast slot for a series must schedule the slot with the Director or one of the ECTV Producers.
  • When possible, the person submitting the programs must deliver two to four programs for the series by dates agreed on before that time slow becomes permanent.
  • Forms must be summated in full by the twentieth of the month in order for the program to be added to the following month’s schedule.
  • Each DVD must be labeled on the spine of the case with the producer’s name, program title, series title (when applicable), and the exact length of the program.

Studio & Control Room Use:

  • Once an individual has completed a workshop course, they are allowed to reserve time in the studio and control room no more than four weeks in advance and no later than five business days in advance. Regular series Access Users may establish a regular studio reservation schedule with ECTV.
  • Access Users use the studio up to four times per program, per month. With a maximum of four hours of studio use per month.
  • All reservations must be received in writing either by email, fax, mail or in person.
  • The producer of record must be present for all studio sessions.
  • Access Users must check in and out with the staff person on call when using the studio. After each studio use, the person who made the reservation must fill out a studio checkout form, and give it to the staff person on call.
  • No Access User may use office space or equipment without specific authorization by staff.
  • All in studio production must include the ECTV standard disclaimer. No show will air without this disclaimer placed at the beginning and end of the show.
  • ECTV staff is available for technical or production advice, suggestions or assistance. ECTV staff is NOT responsible and/or obligated to support or supervise an Access Users’ production.

Editing Use:

  • ECTV uses Final Cut Pro editing software. Training will be offered later this summer. Upon certification, an Access User may reserve to edit in studio no more than four weeks in advance. They may use up to twenty-four hours of edit time for any program. Access Users may reserve up to two hours of edit time per day, with a maximum of six hours per week per program.
  • All reservations must be received in writing either by email, fax, mail or in person.

Individual and Organization Access Users must go through a certification process and be deemed “certified” by ECTV staff in order to use each type of equipment. Access Users who have been inactive for a time may need to renew their certifications. Basic classes allow Access Users to assist on ECTV produced programs and to videotape events, while intermediate classes qualify users to produce their own programs.

  • Studio Production Certification
  • Field Production Certification
    • Requirements: Attend and complete our two session workshop courses.
  • Editing Certification
    • Requirements: Field Production Certification, attend and complete the two-three workshop Editing session, and produce an edited program to be shown on ECTV.

People with prior experience in television production may obtain certification by being evaluated by ECTV staff. The evaluation process may include a written and/or hands-on test, and the submission of a demo tape may also be required.

Channel 22 – Government Access
Features governmental and related programming, as well as the City of Everett’s City Council Meetings and Committee Meetings. In addition, Everett does a live election coverage.

Channel 22 Schedule

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Channel 3 – Public Access
Features original and independent programming from Everett and other surrounding communities.

Channel 3 Schedule

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