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24-19 RFP for Pre-Construction Management Services

Bid Number:




Opening Date/Time:

August 28, 2023 12:00 AM

Closing Date/Time:

September 18, 2023 01:00 PM


Allison Jenkins

[email protected]


The Island End River Flood Resilience Project (IERFRP) is a collaborative effort between the Cities of Everett and Chelsea (“the Cities”) to prevent projected coastal storm surge flooding from the Island End River (“IER”) across a 500-acre floodplain that impacts more than 5,000 residents, 800+ buildings and 11,000 jobs in southeast Everett and southwest Chelsea. The Cities are working to construct a coastal storm surge barrier, storm surge control facility, nature-based solutions along the riverfront, and related amenities at the Island End River (“IER”). The approximately 9.5-acre Project Site is currently composed of a mix of commercial and industrial uses and supporting roadway and utility infrastructures. The existing banks of the river are highly degraded by legacy industrial uses and are comprised of hardened slope stabilization measures and littered with debris. This Project will construct approximately 4,640 linear foot (“lf”) of storm surge barrier, approximately 2,900 square foot (“sf”) of underground storm surge control facility, approximately 50,000 square feet of nature-based solutions along the riverfront, and associated wetland and public access improvements along the IER.


Title Download

24-19 RFP for Services IERP


24-19 Addendum 1


24-19 Addendum 3


24-19 Addendum 2


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